Why I Chose HMI Nutrition School After Prior Education

Dana M Quarles, DO, HMI Health Coach

I completed medical school and a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology then worked for several years in a government funded community health center.

I quit due to burn out as well as wanting to be home with my son and have another child.

After my daughter was born I knew a change was needed and I found HMI Nutrition School.

I had long been interested in nutrition and would often read books about food and how it heals. Because food truly is medicine.

HMI is comprehensive, science-backed and from the very beginning really resonated for me and I knew I would never look back.

As I start to build a new presence in the medical and wellness arena, I am excited to once again be helping women and teens with getting healthy, only now I prescribe food not drugs.

Creosote Wellness